Do you have an election coming up? Maybe it's for your kid's PTA, your local council or state government, or something bigger? Do you know who you'd like to have win? What is it that made you decide that they're right for the job?
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to contribute to that result? If so, start here. Sense the energy of the leadership and it's contribution to the community you'd prefer to live in. Can you separate that from the energy of the person running for election? Then ask "What will it take to create the leadership I desire?" Are you willing to destroy and uncreate every decision, judgement, and conclusion you have ever made about everyone in the election? And are you willing to receive NOT the person you've decided is 'right' if that's what shows up, and then ask another question? Sometimes it takes time for the universe to rearrange things. Sometimes things might seem to fall apart before they fall together.
How honest are you with you? A lot, a little, or not at all? Don't know? Think about your life right now. The people, things, activities, pleasures, excitements, adventures, its peace and ease.
Is it more than you could ever ask for, about right, or not nearly enought? If you could have even more of the good stuff, would you? How often do you settle for OK, good enough, or 'what you deserve'? Think about the word 'deserve' for a moment. Is there really such a thing? Do birds or crocodiles 'deserve' anything? Or do they simply know what they require, and receive everything that nature has to offer? Could 'deserve' simply be a construct that other people use to control you? Are you willing to receive everything that nature has to offer? If you'd like to expand your life in ways you can't imagine, ask "What would I REALLY like to have, that I have not dared ask for, that if I asked it out loud would create it?" Are you willing to acknowledge what you truly desire, then ask for it, and receive it? Don't know, Then take this question for a drive around the block and see what shows up. Do you feel like your life is a mess? Is nothing quite working out the way you thought it would? Do people you thought you could rely on keep leaving you stranded?
Have you asked lots of questions, but nothing is showing up how you expected it to? Do you feel like everything is falling apart? If so, ask "What if falling apart was falling together?" What if all those things you've been working on 25/8, bleeding sweat and tears, were still works in progress? What if the universe was rearranging things in a way you can't yet imagine? What if the mess were simply mid-creation? Before you decide something is not working, stop and ask "What's right about this I'm not getting?" and "What will it take for this to turn out better than I could ever imagine?" Then smile an enjoy the creative process. Have you ever heard someone SO happy they were singing at the TOP OF THEIR LUNGS in the shower? Yeeeees, they're SO haaaaaaaappy and it's a GREEEEAT morning, la la la LAAAAAH!!!! My son is quite an expert and it makes me giggle.
Can you get that joyful, exuberant energy of 'sing'? Do you know it? Have you ever had it? Can you remember it at least from when you were a child or some other past experience? Your first love, receiving your first paycheck, the first day of summer holidays, something else? Got it? Would you like to have that joyful energy every moment of every day? Or as a start, at least once a day for even just a moment? If so, ask "What would make me sing with joy today?" This doesn't mean you need to burst into actual song. It simply means to be aware of what it is that makes every cell in your body and being vibrate with that energy of joy. Whatever THAT is for you, will you create it at least once today? Even if it means inviting someone special over for a 'coffee' and then taking the afternoon off...or something else. Do you consider you're addicted to something? Has someone told you that you are? What is that for you? Food, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, helping people, the wrongness of you, or something else?
What does addiction mean to you? That you're powerless to overcome it without submitting to a higher authority? That you will never overcome it and it will always control you? That it's a physical condition, an allergy, and the only solution is a long, slow process and complete abstinence? That you are bad, wrong, or a failure for having it? What if addiction wasn't what you thought it was? If you've tried everything and would like to find out what else is possible, start by asking yourself "What if addiction wasn't a disease?" What else is possible? That depends on you. This question is designed to unstick you from where you might be stuck. How much change would you like? Visit Marilyn Bradford's System of Right Recovery for more information about how to choose for you. What are you focused on creating right now? It might be a new project, event, job, business, money, song, book, body, baby, relationship, or something else. What is that for you? Yes. THAT. Got it?
Are you creating it with ease and joy and exuberant abundance? Or are you a little stuck? Have you been asking a million questions, but somehow the stickiness is still there? Are your questions diverse? Are they real questions? Or are they focused on creating a particular result? If you're not receiving the ease, joy and abundance you'd like in your creative process, then ask "What am I not able/willing to look at here, that if I were to see, would contribute to creating the change I desire?" Even if you're asking questions, if you've already decided on a particular result, are you asking real questions and open to infinite possibilities? Or are you in conclusion and limited to what you've already decided is possible? Have you ever been in a workout, class, meeting, event or project where someone was trying to get you to do something? How did they do it? Were they aggressive and coercive? Did they browbeat you until you got it? Did the literally scream at you COME ON PUUUUUUSH!!!!
Even if you're in labour with child, how do you feel when someone screams at you to 'PUSH through the pain/deadline/brickwall'? Do you feel like doing it? If you're having a baby, nature will take its course. If you're not, are you like to PUSH, or are you likely to respond 'hmmm, maybe not today...'? Do you do it yourself? Is breaking the pain barrier fun? Do you like banging your head up against the brickwall of obstacles? If not, and you'd like another way to generate results greater than you could imagine, trying pulling. So if you'd like to create something new, ask "What if I pulled instead of pushed?" then pull energy from everywhere in the universe through you. Play with it and see what happens. Maybe you'll spot that the wall is only a meter wide and you can walk around it. Maybe the unstable foundations of the roadblock will start to crumble. You can also pull energy through other people, then watch them wake up and get going. No screaming required. Do you feel a bit tired or run down? Are you catching frequent colds, or just feeling out of sorts? Got skin irritations?
What's going on in your life right now? Are you busy creating all sorts of fun things for other people? Are you stuck under the thumb of someone who's demanding you do not so fun things? Are you somewhere in between? Whatever you're doing, where are you in your life? If you notice you don't bounce out of bed in the morning at 110% and expand out to 1100% as the day progresses, ask "Where am I in the list of priorities in my life?" What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What would it take for you to realise how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world? Do you ever say "I've had a breakdown" when lamenting things that don't work out so well? What about when you celebrate successes, do you say "I've had a breakthrough!"?
What is your sense of the word 'break'? Does it have the energy of ease and joy of new possibilities? Or is the energy more of more force, struggle, control, and limitation? If you'd like to side-step the limitation and create new possibilities, ask yourself "What if I didn't have to break anything to create my life?" Then, if things don't turn out how you fantasised, acknowledge it with "What, that's some amazing @#$% I created. What's right about this that I'm not getting? How does it get any better than this?" And celebrate your successes with "How did I get so lucky? What else is possible?" What changes could you create with the lightness of a feather, a tickle of an invitation, rather than a cracking of bones? Do you have a great new job that everyone is proud or envious of? Are you working on a project you believe has a higher purpose or great value? Have you me The One? Is your being, body, heart, mind and soul buzzing with orgasmic pleasure?
Or not? Do you have a sense of heaviness, constrictive breathlessness, or overwhelm? Are you stressed? Is your body suffering? Have you put this down to 'new job/ project/ relationship pains'? Would you like to experience more ease and joy in life, including with any new additions like this? If so, ask "Am I creating my life for the joy of it, or something else?" When you create your life from the joy, everything sings: your heart, mind, and every cell of your body and being. If you sense a part of you in not singing, destroy and uncreate anything you have made significant and ask "What could I be doing differently to create more joy?" Then smile and play and find what brings you real joy. How often do you say 'because' every day? For example: I can't come tonight because [I have to work late]; I have to work late because [it's a job and better than nothing]; I'd love to do something else more fun for work, but I can't because [add your reason here].
Are the things you say after 'because' real? Or are they simply all your reasons and justifications for not doing something? When you really want something, do you find a way to create it, no matter what it takes? If you'd like to create more of what you'd really like in life, notice every time you say 'because' and ask "What's possible that I haven't considered?" You're not wrong when you say 'because.' If fact, you're absolutely right and that's what you'll create. If you'd like something more than you currently have, questions will open your eyes and show you what else is possible. Then you can create it, if you choose. Do you ever think that only if you had more money, your life would be better? That money is the solution to your problems? That if only you had the money, you could do the thinks you'd really like?
Is money really the answer to your life? If you had all the money you desired, would all your problems go away? Or would you create new problems, even if you had a bottomless bank account? If you know you'd probably be creating new problems, then was money really the problem? Or was the problem something else? Does money create your life, or do you? If you'd like clarity about why you're not choosing what you'd really like as your life, ask "What if money wasn't the problem?" Have you decided money is a convenient, acceptable excuse for not showing up as you'd really like? What if by choosing to show up as you, money came and joined the party? When you wake up in the morning, what goes through your head? Ugh, coffee, shower, kids, work, chores, exhausted, bored, sigh, ugh? Or something else?
How do your days usually turn out? Do you notice when you wake up with sighs and ughs your day often continues with a stream of the same? What about when you start the day with a question, like "Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures can I have?" Does your day have the same, or different energy? So what will you choose today? More sighs and ughs? Or something else? If you'd like something else, ask "What will I choose today to experience the joy of living?" Whatever comes to mind, heart, or body that makes you smile, choose that, no matter how left of field it might seem. What if the magic of life were that you get to choose and create it just the way you like. You just have to ask. Do you have frequent, uncomfortable physical conditions you'd prefer not to have? Eczema, colds, headaches, tummy upsets, infections, allergies, insomnia, something else?
Have you tried all the usual pharmaceutical and natural approaches, ranging from drugs to organic raw juicing therapies? These can be great when your body requires them. Does your life revolve around your condition? Has regaining your health become a fight you are going to win? If you're not seeing the change you'd like, and would like to create ask in place of the fight, ask "What ill health am I creating with my crusade to be healthy?" What do you get when you fight something? A fight. What if instead you started a conversation? Ask questions like "Body, what are you telling me?" "Body, who or what is this?" and simply "Body, what do you require?" Then listen and follow its lead. What's going on in your life right now? Is it fun, or not so much? How often do you complain about things? Do you have something you'd like to change?
Great! The fact that you see things you'd like to change means you can see change is possible. So what is it about change that is causing you to keep complaining, and not change? What keeps you from creating the changes you desire? Have you decided the change you'd like must be hard, and that you don't deserve it, or that someone else knows better about what is good for you? Would you like a different possibility? Then ask yourself "What if change were easy?" and destroy and uncreate everywhere you have consciously or unconsciously decided it must be difficult and/or up to someone else. What if you thought of change as an exciting new adventure? Would you choose it, and choose it again? What else could be possible for you if you embraced change and took action for yourself? What does magic mean to you? Is it something pretend, fake, unreal, or impossible? Is it things appearing before your eyes with no logical, scientific explanation? Is it the joy of you receiving things apparently from nowhere?
For example, how many times have you thought about someone, and then they walked around the corner or phoned you? How often have you imagined you'd like something, and then you saw it in a shop or it arrived on your doorstep? How did you explain that? As a coincidence? Crime drama fans know there is no such things as a coincidence. What if the magic of magic lay in your willingness to receive it? If you say it doesn't exist, you are right. If you say it is not logical or scientific, you are right. If you receive it joyfully, you are right. If you'd like more impossible, non-existent stuff to show up in your life, ask "What magic can I create today?" What if magic was simply 'ask and receive'? What would you ask for? Do you find yourself doing things you'd rather not? Sometimes even doing things you know are not good for you?
Do you do them because you've been told that not to do them would be shameful, that you'd be guilty of causing harm to others, or that you'd regret not doing them? Are shame, guilt, and regret real and true? Or are they simply interesting points of view based on someone's view of right and wrong? Words designed to control you and coerce you into doing what other people want, while distracting you from creating the life you'd really like? Other people will always try to get you to do stuff their way, using words to trick you into believing it's good for you. If you'd like to be free from the control of distractors like this, ask "Is the thought of shame, guilt or regret distracting me from creating the life I'd truly like?" Then see how light you feel. You may end up choosing to do exactly the same thing, but not because someone tricked you into it. It will be your free and conscious choice. How much effort do you use to create the study, work, business, relationships, and life you'd like? A lot or a little?
Do you think creating what you'd like must be hard work and controlled, take time, and come with trials and errors, ups and downs? What if, instead, you could create like elegantly? Elegance is the greatest result with the least effort. Would you consider that cheating? Or being smart? If you'd like to generate your life with greater ease, everyday ask "What generative energy, space and consciousness could I be today that would create the life I desire with ease and joy?" This will remind you to BE the energy of your desire, and will unplug you from the push/pull entrainment of the world around you. Then you simply need to be willing to perceive, know, be and receive what the universe shows you. Are you willing to be that aware? Do you have a business and are looking to create new clients? Have you decided you have to work out an aggressive action plan to secure new contracts? Are you feeling heavy, paralysed by inaction, even a little depressed?
What if you could invite clients into your business with greater ease? If you'd like to find out what else is possible, ask "What about my business gives me joy?" Whatever that is, pull that energy of the JOY of your business from everywhere in the universe through you and fill your business with it. Then send trickles of it out into the world to everyone who is looking for your services or products. Carry that joy around with you in abundance. Everyday as you do this, ask "Who or what can I be or do today that will contribute to my business?" Notice what comes to mind, then be or do that. When you exude abundant joy, and are being or doing whatever your business requires, will you attract new clients? Play with it and see. Are you a parent, or thinking about growing some kids?
Do you feel like a beach ball on the ocean being battered by waves in the middle of a storm of advice? People telling you what you must/must not do to be a 'successful' parent? And if you don't, UH OH, your poor kids... Does this help you smile and enjoy being a parent, or potential parent? Or not so much? What if parenting wasn't what you thought it was? What if it could be whatever you chose it to be? What would that be? Try this on for size. Ask yourself "What if my job as a parent was to be joyful?" What would create more joy for you as a parent? Acknowledging everyone else's points of view as interesting, then asking "Does this work for me?" and creating your life based on your own awareness? What if the greatest gift you could offer your children was to show them the joy of life and living is whatever they choose it to be. Think of the last time you were in a class, meeting, workout, or family gathering. How did you feel? Tired? Drained? Bored?
Were you dreaming of a good lie down, yearning for some chocolate (or something stronger), or wondering what on earth you were doing there? What were your students, teacher, boss, co-workers, trainer, coach, family or friends doing? Were they smiling and joyful, offering expressions of encouragement, support and understanding? Or were their brows furrowed, their faces blank or glued to their phones? Do you sense the energetic difference between someone who smiles at you and tells you "Yes, let's do this think! Great going!" and someone who looks serious or glum and tells you "No, not like that. Do it right like this!" or someone who never looks up from their phone? Next time you find you're in a situation like this, ask "What energy could my smile contribute?" If you sense it could create change, then smile. And if you sense that they won't choose to change, then you can always smile and walk away. What if a smile alone created more joyful energy in your life? Would you choose to smile even more? What do people around you talk about? Do they gossip and talk endlessly about the next instalment of the trauma and drama in their, or other people's lives? Do they usually focus on who did what bad thing to someone else? Or maybe they talk about hair, makeup, furniture, renovations, drinking, sports, cars, or some other 'desirable' objects?
Or course there is nothing wrong with these things if they're fun for you. So do you enjoy it and join in? Does it make you feel uncomfortable or get you down? Or are you simply puzzled why people spend their time talking about things like this? If you're not enjoying the conversations around you ask "What do I enjoy talking about?" and notice what comes to mind. If you realise what you enjoy doesn't match what people around you are talking about, simply acknowledge it with "How interesting I don't enjoy this." Then gently extract yourself. If you can't immediately remove yourself from the conversation, a smile, a nod, and interesting point of view energy will take you out of resist and react. What if by not engaging in the talk, you changed the conversation? And you can always ask "What will it take for more fun people to come and play?" and find people who are more in your zone. Have you found someone special, who you absolutely adore? Do you wake up smiling about them, wondering when you're going to see them next, or being excited to tell them something?
Are you thinking about marriage, hoping they'll pop the question, or waiting for the right moment to ask? What are your hopes, dreams and fantasies about getting married? Do you hope it will create something in your relationship that you don't yet have? Does it give you a sense of security and stability? Or do you consider it a great excuse for a party, and to say to everyone you care about "Hey, look at us! We like hanging out! Come and celebrate!"? Perhaps you're uncertain about it? Do you have people in your life telling you how good/bad it is? If so, and you'd like more clarity, ask "What does marriage mean to me?" Notice what comes to mind. Have you made marriage the answer to something? If so, you might want to ask another question. What does having children mean to you? Have you ever said "I'm never going to have children" or "I don't think I'd be a good parent"?
What does parenting mean to you? What have you decided being a parent has to be? Have you based that decision on what your parents, friends, relatives, neighbours, 'experts', or the media have told you? Do these expectations about having children and becoming a parent feel light or heavy to you? Are you stressed or conflicted about what to do? How is this impacting on your relationships with your insignificant other? Wht if you could create a different reality for you as a parent? A reality that was light, exciting and joyful? If you'd like to find out, ask "What if being a parent wasn't what I thought it was?" and destroy and uncreate everything you have made real about what other people have told you. Then get clear on the energy on the life you'd really like and see where that leads you. Right now, who in your life are you doing your best to help, support, love, care for, work hard for, or contribute to?
Do you get the results you know are possible? Or are you saddened, disheartened, disappointed, puzzled, upset, frustrated, annoyed, or even angered by how little impact you seem to be having? Are they treating you like rubbish? Who do you make wrong? Them, or you? Do you re-double your efforts and go out of your way to do whatever you think is required, to no effect? Do you feel like rubbish? If you'd like to create a different possibility, ask "Have I made this person greater than me?" Then acknowledge how great YOU are, regardless of what others would have you believe? What if no one were greater? What if everyone were just different, including that some people simply won't choose change, no matter how great you can see it could be? Would you be willing to be the greatest you are first? And then invite others to come play? |
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October 2021